Prayers for Sam

Thursday, July 01, 2004

More positive steps

Today (Thursday) Sam had another good day. We practiced transferring between the wheelchair and a flat bed, the front seat of a Buick, and then how to go up and down curbs. I can't believe the progress he is making! If things continue to improve like the last 3 days, they will to allow us to take him to the fireworks in Ada Saturday evening AND back out to Church on Sunday. Today I (Randy) got trained on how to properly pick him up and place him back in his chair in-case he wipes out, tips over, or flips over backwards. We had fun practicing. We tipped Sam's chair backward (with him still in it) so that he was laying with his back and head on the ground (simulating the result of doing a wheelie without the wheelie bars in place). Yes he looked a little silly still strapped in his chair with a big smile on his face, but I got him back up ok.

His biggest complaint the last 2 days is his sore back resulting from the Doctors and Nurses tearing the tape / bandage off his back to see how the incision is healing. He has learned to tape and the hair it pulls off.

On Friday we will get to take him home for a few hours with the physical therapist for a "home inspection". We will go through the house with Sam and make decisions on what renovation need to occur, equipment that needs to be purchased, and anything else that needs to change so that he can be as independent as possible when he gets released in later July or early August (best guess).

Thanks again for your prayers! Sam has enough candy to handle Forest Hills at Halloween. It works out great when his friends come over to visit! Kris and I continue to be overwhelmed with the acts of kindness exhibited by soooo many people.


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