Tuesday's Success!
Wow, what a difference a few days can make. Sam moved to Mary Free Bed hospital and rehabilitation center Monday late afternoon. He slept much of the day. He was up in his wheelchair for just a short time and went right back to bed.
Today, Tuesday, Sam woke up with a bigger smile (he is off the big pain drugs that upset his stomach). He would rather have some pain than endure a bad stomach. He had a fairly full day of rehab scheduled (dressing, weights, bed to wheelchair transfer, range fo motion, stretching, and balancing). He got in his chair at 9am and went full tilt until after 9pm. He is determined to improve fast. We had a little pizza party for him with some family and friends. He was full of smiles. It is soooo gooooood to see some of his old self back again. I watched him struggle 10 minutes getting his 2 socks on this morning. Try doing that without using any leg mussles AND not able to balance your torso without both arms. I took almost all my energy to hold myself back from helping, but the therapist kept doing the coaching. He finally did it, and he did it with a great attitude and never complained. I was so proud of him. I would have probably said some choice words and punched the therapist. It is amazing what they can teach him.
Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement. They do encourage us and Sam as evidenced by his progress.
Still no feeling or movement in his legs. We are not giving up!
Today, Tuesday, Sam woke up with a bigger smile (he is off the big pain drugs that upset his stomach). He would rather have some pain than endure a bad stomach. He had a fairly full day of rehab scheduled (dressing, weights, bed to wheelchair transfer, range fo motion, stretching, and balancing). He got in his chair at 9am and went full tilt until after 9pm. He is determined to improve fast. We had a little pizza party for him with some family and friends. He was full of smiles. It is soooo gooooood to see some of his old self back again. I watched him struggle 10 minutes getting his 2 socks on this morning. Try doing that without using any leg mussles AND not able to balance your torso without both arms. I took almost all my energy to hold myself back from helping, but the therapist kept doing the coaching. He finally did it, and he did it with a great attitude and never complained. I was so proud of him. I would have probably said some choice words and punched the therapist. It is amazing what they can teach him.
Thanks again for your prayers and encouragement. They do encourage us and Sam as evidenced by his progress.
Still no feeling or movement in his legs. We are not giving up!
Thanks for keeping us updated. It's great to see the positive attitude and progress that is being made. We'll definitely be keeping Sam and your family in our prayers.
God Bless
Brian and Amy DeRoo
Anonymous, at 7:15 AM
It is great to hear the sucess that Sam is having! God is good! We will continue to pray for him, as well as your entire family.
Ken and Heidi Schuurman
heidi, at 12:51 PM
I love this - I love being able to check for updates and see the progress! I am so glad to hear that Sam is smiling again! Prayer is a powerful thing!!
Constantly thinking of you (all of you),
Laurie V.S.
Anonymous, at 3:22 PM
I just wanted to let you know that I have been praying for you everyday. We never know what life if going to give us, but one thing we know for sure, it that God cares about ut and loves us. He will never leave you Sam, always remember that. It's so great to hear that you are smiling. Soon, I will have to treat you to something very good at the Le Cafe'. This time it will be my treat. I can't wait to see that smile in person. In case you don't remember me, I had ice cream with your grandma the day you were with her. So keep on smiling, and remember God is with you every step of the way.
Prayers for you and all the family,
Karen Lynema
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM
Dear Sam,
I am at the home of my friend, Beverly, sending you this message from both of us. We pray for you and hope your rehab is going OK. God bless you.
Your great aunt Dort & Beverly
Anonymous, at 10:20 AM
Hi Sam,
I am friends of your Grandma and Grandpa Machiela and I want you to know you have been in my prayers daily. I am so happy to hear you are doing so well. Keep up the positive attitute, and remember everything happens for a reason. Even though I haven't met you, you sound like one terrific child. I enjoy reading this website! What a wonderful way to keep people updated! Keep up the good work and before long you will be home. You do have a wonderful smile. Your folks must be so proud of you. I will continue to pray for you and just know there are many people out there doing the same. God is surely watching over you!
Don and Carol Romeyn
Anonymous, at 5:22 PM
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