7/24 Saturday
It's official - we leave Mary Freebed next Tuesday at 11am. Yeah!
Each time we stop home with Sam lately it feels like we should stay. I guess that means we're ready to handle all this stuff by ourselves. I guess....
Sam's done a few new things in rehab this week. On Thursday Chris (the PT) put braces on his legs and while holding onto parallel bars, Sam actually stood up for a few minutes. Then on Friday, Chris put some patches on his legs and ran electricity through them and Sam's muscles responded well (his legs jumped around). What does this mean?
Well, taken with the bummer info from the last MRI that his spinal cord is severed, it means that while it will take God to bring his legs back, Sam would be a candidate to do standing and electical stim therapy if he chooses. It's a TON of hard work and requires great balance and muscle tone but if he chooses to, he could 'stand' with braces or 'walk' with a walker and electical stimulus to his legs. In addition to feeling good about standing or walking, it is just really good for circulation and bone density to stand or walk.
We're learning that good circulation to his legs and a strong cardiocascular system is really important, so we'll be looking for ways Sam can get a workout while going easy on his back for the next year. Also, being healthy is important so that if any new research comes out in the future, he would be a good candidate for that.
Sam & I (Kris) were at the house on an day pass this afternoon and the ramp was taking shape. I think seeing that ramp hit home for Sam. He was pretty quiet as we drove to Holland to go fishing with his cousins (which was a 4 fish success for Sam).
Anyway, with being in a wheelchair becoming what 'real life' is, we'd appreciate your continued prayers for courage and energy. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Each time we stop home with Sam lately it feels like we should stay. I guess that means we're ready to handle all this stuff by ourselves. I guess....
Sam's done a few new things in rehab this week. On Thursday Chris (the PT) put braces on his legs and while holding onto parallel bars, Sam actually stood up for a few minutes. Then on Friday, Chris put some patches on his legs and ran electricity through them and Sam's muscles responded well (his legs jumped around). What does this mean?
Well, taken with the bummer info from the last MRI that his spinal cord is severed, it means that while it will take God to bring his legs back, Sam would be a candidate to do standing and electical stim therapy if he chooses. It's a TON of hard work and requires great balance and muscle tone but if he chooses to, he could 'stand' with braces or 'walk' with a walker and electical stimulus to his legs. In addition to feeling good about standing or walking, it is just really good for circulation and bone density to stand or walk.
We're learning that good circulation to his legs and a strong cardiocascular system is really important, so we'll be looking for ways Sam can get a workout while going easy on his back for the next year. Also, being healthy is important so that if any new research comes out in the future, he would be a good candidate for that.
Sam & I (Kris) were at the house on an day pass this afternoon and the ramp was taking shape. I think seeing that ramp hit home for Sam. He was pretty quiet as we drove to Holland to go fishing with his cousins (which was a 4 fish success for Sam).
Anyway, with being in a wheelchair becoming what 'real life' is, we'd appreciate your continued prayers for courage and energy. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
HI Sam,
This is JUlie Blakely.
We continue to think and pray for you.
So proud of your hard work and I know your parents will be there constantly for you and Luke as you both learn how to live this new life!Actually, you have a whole clan of family. Wow! Fortunate guy!
So glad you are going to be able to go home on Tues.That is so encouraging.
I love to read of your continued progress and determination and attitude. YOu make a lot of people cry reading those notes I am sure.
I know it does it to Dave and I.
YOu are such a precious gem along with the rest of your family.
Love, Dave and Julie
Ps, you may need to get a horn on that chair to get people to move out of the way for you at your present speed of living as a teen. with purple shoes and orange chair. ha!
Anonymous, at 7:21 AM
So nice to hear that Sam is coming home today! I am so excited for him! I will continue to pray for full recovery and (in the meantime) adjustment to life in a wheelchair. Thanks for the continued updates!
Smiles and hugs,
Tammi Talen
Anonymous, at 11:34 AM
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