Surgery Time update
Surgery has been scheduled for 10:am Saturday (London / Portugal) time. That is 5am EST. We had a good discussion with Dr. Lima today and he is very optimistic about future improvements based on some of his other patients. We that said, please remember him and Sam in your prayers Saturday.
Thank you for your many comments and emails. We are passing them on to sam.
Luke found an unsecured highspeed wireless network 2 blocks from the hospital. Sure beats the dial-up phone connection at the hospital. We also had our waiter standing speachless today when we explained that we came from America to meet a specialist in Portugal. "Portugal?" he exclaimed. Why would anyone come here from America??? he asked. Crazy huh? Yes it is.
Thank you for your many comments and emails. We are passing them on to sam.
Luke found an unsecured highspeed wireless network 2 blocks from the hospital. Sure beats the dial-up phone connection at the hospital. We also had our waiter standing speachless today when we explained that we came from America to meet a specialist in Portugal. "Portugal?" he exclaimed. Why would anyone come here from America??? he asked. Crazy huh? Yes it is.
Hey--glad to hear you arived all in one piece! Keep up the pictures--those are great. Know that we have all been praying for you guys over here this morning while you are playing the waiting game for Sam to come out of recovery over there. Give Sam a "FLICK" for me when he wakes up!
Candace and Ryan
Anonymous, at 9:06 AM
wowowo! we are so excited about the successful surgery. Thoughts and prayers filled our hearts yesterday. Grandma, the jet ski, misses you terribly and is anxious for you to go jet skiing at Whitefish Lake...! We miss all of you, think of you always,and so glad to hear of your great news. Anxious to read more Blogs.
Shawn, Gail, Kristin and Ryan Quinn
Anonymous, at 9:02 AM
Hallelujah! Your news from Portugal is already so exciting. May our awesome God continue to shower His healing powers on Sam and cover all of you with His grace during your stay in Portugal.
Keep the updates coming and we will continue to lift you up in our prayers. Our God is sooooooo good!
I can't tell you how exciting this is for me to be sending this to you. I grew up with party-line telephones and no tv until I was 8 or 10 so this is really something.
Judy W. <><
Anonymous, at 1:32 PM
God bless ya... and a full N speedy
recovery... stop in at Fatima sometime and " give thanx "
Anonymous, at 9:11 PM
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