Portugal! 2
Hey all!, we successfully landed in Portugal yesterday after literally having to sprint through the airport terminals! This is luke talking by the way since i was the only one to figure out how to get online here so far, and this is also my first time doing a blog! woopie! Well we are having some blood tests done today and so far they are all turing out good and the family is up in the hospital room meeting with Dr. Lime right now talking over some of the fine details of the surgical process. Im surprised were not all dead already with the insane driving people do over here, no speed limits hardly and everyone seems to be in a major hurry. The food is great, last night we had a pizza with bananas, pineapple, apple, mangos, berries, and other fruits, it was quite interesting. Well, yeah, so far everything has been going great and as planned. Closing time for the library so i have to go , hello to everyone back home and have a great day!
Hi everyone!
Glad you figured out the blog stuff, Luke...it's great that you got to go to Portugal as well! I know that Sam's surgery is scheduled for Saturday...any idea as to what time that would be over in Portugal? If I subtract 6 hours from Portuguese time, then I'll know when to really start praying over here in the States.
I'm glad that the other young man from Michigan and his family are there as well! Man, Luke, your description of the great food has me salivating...I'm off to the refrig to graze!
Take care everybody.
Mrs. Brasser
Anonymous, at 12:19 PM
haha Luke, glad you were finally able to figure that one out. As for all the crazy driving going on over there, i'm sure you'll fit right in. ;-)
Glad to hear the surgery went well, and I hope the recovery does too-- I've been praying for all of you and will continue to do so. Take care!
Heidi Wesseling
Anonymous, at 2:50 PM
haha, Luke, I'm glad you figured out how to post...lol
As for the crazy driving you said that goes on over there, you should fit right in. ;)
Glad the surgery went well and I hope that the recovery does too--I've been praying for all of you and will continue to do so.
Take care!
Heidi Wesseling
Anonymous, at 3:43 PM
oops sorry about the two comment thing. it didn't show up for a long time lol
Anonymous, at 3:44 PM
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