Spring update
Sorry it has been so long... but life has been very busy. Sam is currently at Champion Sports in Rockford doing his rehab. We are very thankful that Rehab Institute of Michigan opened an office here in West Michigan. Sam is still there doing rehab Monday, Wed and Fri afternoons. He is using his new braces to "walk" around the track a few times a week. These braces allow the therapist to unlock one knee at a time allowing Sam to walk with a more normal flow.
We reviewed an MRI done at the 6 month point and it showed some "filling in" of the spinal cord. Sam has some sensations coming and going and seems able to do some occasional pushing with his legs. Again, things are very slow in the spinal world and Sam is on par with others who had this procedure. Most of his newer abilities have been noticed in his therapy sessions in the swimming pool (which relieves much of his body weight). Most of the changes in other patients begin occurring after 1 year. Of course we want to see everything faster... but we need to have patience.
As soon as they get posted, you will see a 3 pictures of Sam. One is him standing in his new leg braces, another is him riding his hand controlled Honda Pilot in Kentucky during spring break (it is his favorite thing to do), and the last one is him with his sled hockey team's trophy 2nd place win at Nationals in Philadelphia PA last weekend. The team played well and Sam even had a goal! Mary Free Bed has been outstanding in providing support for these teams.
Thank you for your continued prayers and words of encouragement. Sam is becoming a fine young man. He graduates from 8th grade and will soon be moving on to High School this fall. I am sure this will test him as he meets many new people that will not have known him before his accident.
Here are some recent pictures:

We reviewed an MRI done at the 6 month point and it showed some "filling in" of the spinal cord. Sam has some sensations coming and going and seems able to do some occasional pushing with his legs. Again, things are very slow in the spinal world and Sam is on par with others who had this procedure. Most of his newer abilities have been noticed in his therapy sessions in the swimming pool (which relieves much of his body weight). Most of the changes in other patients begin occurring after 1 year. Of course we want to see everything faster... but we need to have patience.
As soon as they get posted, you will see a 3 pictures of Sam. One is him standing in his new leg braces, another is him riding his hand controlled Honda Pilot in Kentucky during spring break (it is his favorite thing to do), and the last one is him with his sled hockey team's trophy 2nd place win at Nationals in Philadelphia PA last weekend. The team played well and Sam even had a goal! Mary Free Bed has been outstanding in providing support for these teams.
Thank you for your continued prayers and words of encouragement. Sam is becoming a fine young man. He graduates from 8th grade and will soon be moving on to High School this fall. I am sure this will test him as he meets many new people that will not have known him before his accident.
Here are some recent pictures:

Hi Sam,
I haven't been able to get on your
site since school took it off of
their web site. Logan came over last nite and got it for me.
Wow, sounds like you are doing
really well. Keep up the good work. Will see you at Graduation or at the band concert.
Logans grandma
Arlene Sytsma
Anonymous, at 4:24 PM
Hey, Sam!
Keep standing tall! You are such an inspiration and we cannot wait to see how the Lord will continue to use your young life to bring Himself glory! You are amazing, and we are so proud of your bravery and accomplishments!
We are confident that the Lord will continue to bless you and your fabulous family...We will keep praying that you will continue to strengthen physically and will continue to suprise us all!
Mike and Diane Fisher
(Diane used to be the office person at GLHF in St. Joe)
Anonymous, at 9:33 PM
Dear Sam,
It was great to see you a couple weeks ago, and to hear how things are going. These pictures are great! Thanks for posting them. Best wishes in high school!
Tom and Carrie Vander Hulst
Anonymous, at 9:23 AM
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