The Hunt.
Sam spent the labor day weekend as a guest of Legends Ranch for their 2005 Special Youth Challenge Hunt. Sam was sponsored by the wheelin' sportsman organization He spent 4 days with 8 other kids from around the country learning how to better hunt, fish, and spend time in the outdoors while in a wheelchair. This was an awesome experience for Sam (and Dad). After doing some target shooting, Sam went out on his first hunt and dropped a 7 point Buck at about 80 yards. The weekend culminated with an outstanding church service Sunday where many challenged folks shared their testimony as well as how great life can be when you find purpose even in your challenge. The generosity of the volunteers, corporate sponsors, and staff was outstanding. They have a huge heart for kids. If an article gets printed, I will post a link.
Rehab is going well. No changes yet (and none are expected yet)... but everyone is asking. I keep having to remind people that this is not a cure, but it should be small steps in the right direction. Sam continues to have an outstanding attitude even with school starting!

(Above) Sam with his 7 point buck(!), his guide Darrin (left) and sponsor
Mark Velthouse (right), from the wheelin' sportsman.

(Above) Catching some fish.

(Above) Legands Ranch, as seen from the lake.
Rehab is going well. No changes yet (and none are expected yet)... but everyone is asking. I keep having to remind people that this is not a cure, but it should be small steps in the right direction. Sam continues to have an outstanding attitude even with school starting!

(Above) Sam with his 7 point buck(!), his guide Darrin (left) and sponsor
Mark Velthouse (right), from the wheelin' sportsman.

(Above) Catching some fish.

(Above) Legands Ranch, as seen from the lake.